Sports Injury

     Knee Arthroscopy


    Articular cartilage is a very smooth Grisel which cover ends of bone in a joint. Cartilage does undergo wear and tear through life. Common reasons of wearing out of cartilage is with repeated injury. Exercise and healthy lifestyle reduces risks or early wearing out of articular cartilage.

    Progression of wearing out of articular cartilage eventually leads to osteoarthritis.

    Normal healthy articular cartilage
    Severely damaged articular cartilage
    Severely damaged articular cartilage


    Meniscus is the cushion between the shin and thigh bone which protects articular cartilage. Meniscus is commonly injured during sporting activity, fall or any twisting injury. It can also tear as part of wear and tear in the knee

    Meniscal tears can be painful needing key hole surgery ( arthroscopy ) where part of torn meniscus is either resected ( removed) or repaired.


    Your doctor may recommend that you undergo a knee arthroscopy if you have a painful condition that does not respond to nonsurgical treatments like rest, physical therapy, and medications or injections that can reduce inflammation.

    Knee Arthroscopic surgery is used to diagnose and treat knee injuries, including:

    • torn meniscus (the cartilage between the bones in the knee)
    • torn anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments
    • Kneecap (patella) that’s out of position
    • Removal of loose fragments of bone or cartilage
    • Removal of inflamed synovial tissue
    • Treatment of knee sepsis (infection)
    • swollen synovium (the lining in the joint)


    • Knee arthroscopy is a day case procedure usually done under general anaesthetic. If you are not for general anaesthetic, you will have spinal anesthetic.
    • After surgery, you will be shifted to a recovery room and you should be able to go home within 1 or 2 hours. Be sure to have someone with you to drive you home and check on you that first evening.
    • it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully after you return home although recovery from knee arthroscopy is faster than recovery from traditional open knee surgery.

    After knee arthroscopy many people will return to full unrestricted activities. Your recovery will depend on the type of damage that was present in your knee.

    you should be able to return to most physical activities after 6 to 8 weeks or less, unless you have had a ligament reconstruction, Higher impact activities may need to be avoided for a longer time.

    If your job involves heavy work, it will taker a longer time before return to your job. Take the  advice of the doctor and discuss when you can safely return to work with.

    For some people, lifestyle changes are necessary to protect the joint. e.g  might be changing from high impact exercise (such as running) to lower impact activities (such as swimming or cycling). Pl take the guidance of your surgeon.

    Sometimes, the damage to your knee can be severe enough that it cannot be completely reversed with knee arthroscopy.

    Hinesh Bhatt, Best Orthopaedic Hip & Knee surgeon in London

    Hinesh Bhatt

    • Primary knee replacement
    • Primary hip replacement
    • Unicompartmental knee replacement
    • Knee arthroscopy/meniscal surgery
    • Revision knee and hip replacement
    • Lower limb trauma surgery

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